Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)
Saved on 2021-08-06
Action Items
Avani Joshi
Continued H-bridge research
Documented trapezoidal commutation research
Started MOSFET research
Create Confluence pages for back EMF, sinusoidal and FOC commutation
Jason Skells
Started to look into OpenHD
Come up questions/things to ask and set up a meeting with Anthony and Frank
Kevin Li
Cleaned up gerber files and ordered connectors for PDB Rev 1
Benchmark our sensor stack against Pixhawk
Kiran Surendran
Brokedown our current sensor stack
Break down current sensor stack more
Research VectorNav
Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)
Set up meeting with VectorNav
Muhammad Tanveer
Started research on MOSFET, specifically how to read their datasheets
Continue research into MOSFET and SOC (found some articles that look worth reading)
Look more into the BMS IC datasheet that Joe sent, as well as look into other chips