Overview- Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) Ethan Abraham Darwin Clark
ZeroPilot 3.0 ( ZP3 ) is our custom in house flight controller board! The project’s latest version can be found on our Altium 365, here. For access to WARG’s Altium 365, please message Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed).
For all custom EE flight hardware, including ZP3: mounting holes should be 3.400mm and with 6.000mm plating, electrically not connected.
The timeline for this project is reflected in architecture section on Confluence as well and is as follows:
June 23rd - July 12th: Schematic Design
July 12th: Schematic Review Date
July 12th: Schematic lock
July 12th - July 26th: PCB Design
July 26th: PCB Review
July 31st: Order PCB
Early F22 assemble boards with reflow and get them to firmware! Hopefully end of september!
ZP3 Arm/Disarm Controller Board - Michael Botros Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)
The goal of the remote board is to contain a buzzer, button, LED, and a connector to connect directly to our custom flight controller board. This board will act as an Arm/Disarm controller and provide basic diagnostic information. The goal is to be small and capable of being placed anywhere on the drone for ease of access. Components should only be on one side of the board and through hole components should be avoided if possible to increase ease of mounting anywhere on the drone.
The buzzer of ZP3 needs to be able to produce primitive beep codes. The buzzer should be drivable by a standard TIM microcontroller pin (in essence, a PWM signal). A decision matrix should be developed for deciding upon the optimal buzzer that is easily drivable and meets size requirements.
The button on ZP3 needs to be small and reliable and be capable of sending a signal that can be read by a GPIO on ZP3. A capacitor footprint should be left on the button’s output signal in case we run into issues with debouncing.
The onboard LED should be relatively bright (~15mA) and drivable from a FET or BJT controlled by a microcontroller or the microcontroller of ZP3 itself. The reason for this is we want the light to be visible in daylight and from a distance
Research and an accompanying decision matrix should be developed needs to be done in choosing an optimal locking connector that is small and secure so that it can be used on this controller board and the ZeroPilot 3.0 board. The circuits of the board should be optimized to require the minimum amount of pins on the connector to minimize board space.
Research/consideration should be given to the necessity of ESD (electro-static discharge) protection and fuses on our connections.
ZP3 ADC Page - Darwin Clark
ZeroPilot 3.0 will have an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) integrated circuit (IC).
The ADC will be passing it’s digital output via a communication protocol to the microcontroller. The microcontroller we selected does not have enough precision on it’s ADC to an external ADC is required.
The ADC will receive input from onboard current & voltage sensors as necessity is determined by whoever is working on the PWR Page of ZP3. The ADC will also have some analog inputs broken out to connectors to receive input from some offboard analog sensors. Sensor could be a pitotube, pressure sensor, or temperature sensors. These exact external sensors will be decided on at a later time, but at least three ADC pins should be broken out (brought to the IO page of ZP3) to accommodate them. In summary the ADC needs to support at least 4 ADC pins, a few extra is fine.
Firmware driver for the chosen ADC IC should be fairly simple, potentially confer with firmware to ensure the chosen ADC is easy to work with. ADC should be 16 bit precision, though, if an argument can be made for a less precise alternative I think that will be fine as long as the drift is low. A decision matrix for IC selection should be completed before work on schematic begins.
ZP3 MCU Page - Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)
The microcontroller page of ZeroPilot 3.0 will handle all of our communication protocols and connections to the microcontroller we selected, STM32L562ZET6Q (datasheet, digikey) . The sheet will contain the reset circuit(with physical SMD button with the assumption that we desolder for flight), high speed external clock (HSE) 8MHz, and decoupling capacitors (0603)(datasheet pg 143), ferrite beads for power input(not called for in datasheet but will be important since our power is coming from a switching regulator).
ZP3 IO Page - Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)
This page will contain all the connectors used on the board and basic ESD protections as necessary (fuses will be handled in PWR page) (TVS diodes?). Connectors will have a matching footprint for connectors that are easy to work with and connectors that are locking for flight.
ZP3 PWR Page - Ethan Abraham
Needs to be written up in more detail - Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)
This page will contain our power regulation, buck converters, and fuse holders for managing input, MCU, & output power on ZP3. Regardless of power architecture, which will be decided soon (tm), board will need to 5V to 3V3 buck converter with low ripple since 3V3 will be used to power microcontroller.
5V-3.3V Buck Converter
Input Voltage = 5V
Output Voltage = 3.3V
Maximum Load Current = 500mA
ZP3 Buck Converter Primary: 12S to 3S battery input voltage to 5V rail output (500mA at 5V max current): https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/analog-devices-inc-maxim-integrated/MAX5033DASA/1513639 ZP3 Buck Converter Secondary: 5V rail input to 3V3 rail output (250mA at 3V3 max current): https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/TPS563201DDCR/5808204
Power Distribution Architecture
Should the connector interface for optional current sense of the voltage regulator buck converter PCB modules be V_sense+ and V_sense-, or I_sense and GND? That is, should the buck converter PCBs send the raw Kelvin-sensed signals to a connector, or should the PCBs have a dedicated current sense amplifier from which the output and GND is sent to a connector?
Buck Converter Projects
12V-5V @ 3A Buck Converter Board - Nolan Haines Neel Bullywon
50V-24V @2A Buck Converter Board - (Unasigned)
(12S) 50V-24V Synchronous Buck Converter PCB @2A Max Load Current Consumption (48W)
Input Voltage Connector
(12S) +36V to +50.4V
Output Voltage Connector (3x)
Current Sense Connector
V_sense+ and V_sense-, or:
I_sense and GND
50V-24V Buck Converter @ 2A
Status LEDs for both +50V and +24V voltage rails
Optional current sense interface
Should also be able to provide 12V @ 2A if needed with the change of a few passives
25mm x 35mm
No vertical design constraints
+5V USB - Max. 24V Synchronous Boost Converter PCB @0.25A Max Load Current Consumption (6W)
Input Voltage USB Connector (we only care about the following pins really):
Output Voltage Connector
Up to +24V
5V-Max. 24V Boost Converter @ 0.25A (Maybe higher current?)
Status LEDs for both +5V and Max. +24V voltage rails
Output voltage should be easily adjustable (To standard values).
RF Communications Emulator Project