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🛸 General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Frame ideas open in mech #frame channel.

  • Ethan is now an EE lead, kevin is now advisor?

  • Planning for systems complete flight test by february/march.

  • FW Procurement order ordered

  • RFD900 Successful nucleo ↔︎ nucleo communication established

🔗 Quick Links:

Table of Contents



In-Person: (100% facecam)

🖥 PR’s and Reviews

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

Phoenix Tuning

  • will be starting soon

    • yuchen starting on sunday earliest. Not sure if code finished. Will double check with Jack.

  • need someone to verify code on port.

ZeroPilot 3

  • Is GTest ok?

Path Manager

  • Finished defining FSM, prioritizing getting takeoff/landing manager working with the rest of PM

  • where is the confluence link neha .-.

  • Takeoff/landing

    • can use velocity targetting in AM

    • Math should be good to go.

      • how long until simulator testing?

Attitude Manager

  • FSM defined → working on implementation.

  • Need los interface meeting

    • PM, AM, TM, LOS_Gang

Telemetry Manager

  • got the xbee library made by aadi, may need to adapt to RFD 900.

  • Will have xbee rtf e.o. next week


  • Cmake working for both platforms. F4 compiles well, L5 some issues.

    • HAL_Delay doesn’t appear to be working properly? 😨

      • LOS libs compiles.

  • Plans for interfaces gone over weekend

  • Tasks for LOS are out!

  • Guy: LOS Actuators

  • Chris: LOS Link

  • Mostafa: LOS Pos

  • Tony: LOS Telem

  • Stanley: SD Card Driver prototype

    • Implemented SPI between fatfs and HAL, can read and write using fatfs on sd card.

    • just need f’n for LOS Interface. (smile) (smile) (smile) (smile) ← chris

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops


  • Matlab/simulink chosen?

  • getting familiar with it before tackling simulator

Comms Emulator

✈ Priorities next week:

  • TUNE Phoenix


🍍 Team Member Updates


  • AM FSM Defined

  • Looking into TDD for new ZeroPilot repository.



  • Working on PID tuning, as well as finalizing AM on the port.

  • Looking into more AM/PM work in the future. Open to picking up more tasks.

  • Driver work - Crossfire, NEOM8

  • Starting work on comms emulator

  • Working with Yuchen to get PID tuning up and running


  • Started working on SD card driver for logging

  • Need to test the SD card driver implementation from on an actual SD Card

  • Implemented SPI communication between FatFS middleware and HAL

  • Need to create the functions that the LOS logging interface will call

  • Need to test on L5 board

Yuchen Lin

  • need to redo the pwm output for the and will be testing it next week

  • need to take a look at the aadi xbee communication library and perform the RFD 900 range test and drop package test next week.


  • Nuked the LOS repo to get the structure correct

  • Currently LOS “supports” Nucleo f401re and L5 but only F401re compiles

  • LaminarOS Repo Structure


  • Finished defining FSM, prioritizing getting takeoff/landing manager working with the rest of PM


  • Worked with Mostafa to come up with architecture proposal for simulator

  • Learning MATLAB/Simulink to get familiar with the program (Simulink is chosen for simulator)

Action Items

🔭 Things to look out for!

  • fw procurement order placed