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Competition Year

2022-2023 Aerial Evolution of Canada Student Competition


Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group


Anthony Luo



Last date updated

by Anthony Luo

On this page

Table of Contents


[Competition Requirements] [CR]Competition Requirements

📐 Architecture


<Add diagram>

The architecture of a drone can be found in the [Competition Design Outline]. <# iterations> iterations of the drone will be created, at <#milestones>. <# final copies> of the drone will be created in “competition spec”. Our system will meet the requirements in [Competition Requirements].




Batteries and Power Distribution shall be mounted in front of the passenger compartment, under the same access lid as the pixhawk & various other PDB/Sensors. This should make wiring easy, and make weather proofing easy. The batteries shall be placed as far forward in the fuselage as possible to help balance the overall COM of the droneBatteries & battery mounting to be decided.

The battery box should be easily accessible from the top so that battery swaps may be easily accomplished during task #2, and should be weatherproof and house the PDB, Batteries, and necessary power connectors in an manner that makes upkeep & plugging/unplugging/probing connectors easily.


The wings and the tail will house a lot of the RF Communication modules, such as the VN-300, rfd900 antennas, vtx antennas, and any gps modules.


Both transmitters (rfd900, 1.3ghz VTX), should be placed in areas with adequate cooling/airflow. They are not weatherproofed, but do tend to be cooled passively by air moving across their heatsinks. In ground ops mode, it may be necessary to actively cool the devices over extended periods of time, especially if transmit power is high.


The Vn-300 receiver (red box), as well as the BMX160 IMU should be placed as close to the center of mass of the plane as possible, with the axis aligned (x is forward, refer to ZPSW Documentation for more detail). This can be done above or below the passenger compartment, but should be in a weatherproofed section of the plane.


All of the wires for the sensors will be pre-run through the frame in dedicated channels, with connectors left exposed ear near the sensor compartments and the avionics compartment. This means that any time a sensor needs to be replaced, we do not need to re-wire the entire sensor. this also means that when we need to re-wire the flight computers, we can use the cables that are already connected to the interface connectors an simply plug in a few large connector banks to our dev interfaces. Running more cables through the channels should be supported, but all necessary cables should hopefully be routed during assembly (or when it is easiest).

All sensors shall be connected to the respective device owners listed in the hardware components section. There will also need to be a single uart connection between ZP ↔︎ Jetson, as well as multiple (at least 5) communication wires available between the PX5 and ZPHW.
