The goal of this program is to develop a flow for new pilots to be trained and developed for WARG
This is so there is a steady and consistent stream of trained pilots for competition as well as flight test
Two WARG-sponsored Advanced RPAS pilots per competition cycle that are able to fly at competition
One primary, one secondary pilot who is aiding the main pilot with key flight information
If one pilot isn’t available, then other basic RPAS/flight-test pilots will assist
Team buys Ground School ($120) that is available for every team member to be trained/prepare for RPAS advanced written examination
Have at least two basic or advanced RPAS pilots trained to fly every stream
Look into people with past FPV experience and past comp pilots to train new pilots
Different requirements for people who work with competition airframes (e.g. Cornflakes) vs smaller airframes (Phoenix, Houston)
Use simulators for preparing test pilots (e.g. 10 hrs of simulator time, 2 hrs of real flight time
Everyone should
Program Scope
Start of term remind people that they need basic license to fly the drone, how its $10, and where to find the training for it
Should be a part of the onboarding document (legal requirement for flying drones)
Define policy on who is allowed to fly, and what they can fly
Tiers of aircraft/pilots
Bare minimum is Basic RPAS License
Need ‘x' hours flying quad or fixed wing to be rated to fly more expensive frames during flight tests
Have standard markers of competence for each tier, evaluated by those w FPV experience and/or comp pilots
Separate rating for FPV equipment because its expensive
Have a “middle” step where those with Basic RPAS show that they are able to setup frame using standard operating procedures (SOPs) for particular frame, and then running a short takeoff + landing on flight
Students who can start flying actual frames:
5 minute buddybox sessions with experienced pilots
To move up the tiers, at least one term on the team or previous FPV experience
Program Owner
Someone who has experience in flight testing (at least Basic RPAS, experience flying in flight test or equivalent)
A flight test coordinator
Further TBD
General Flow/Timeline
Follow-up Items
Ask for WWFC Flight review prices
State WARG drone flying policy