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Make sure to update the Title following the format “Jan 01, 2020 Flight Test”




Mon & Tue

Aircraft Assembly

If aircraft assembly is complicated, outline dates of various milestones that should be met to ensure we don't rush to complete work at the last minute.

Tue 8-10PM

Pre-flight Preparation

Feel free to not come at 9 if you don’t have a lot workload. During this time get snack if needed

Wed 1700

Required persons for preflight preparation show up at bay

Flight test lead breifly assign task for preparation work

Wed 1730

Flight brief from flight test lead

Wed 1730

Loading onto the Car

Take your water bottle with you. Go washroom before we leave!

Drive to the test ground

Wed 1800

Flight Testing


🧯 Aircraft Incident Procedures




Outline the procedure for who will go to handle the aircraft in the event of a crash, what should be done, were emergency equipment is, etc.


Outline the procedure for flyaways. List relevant contact information for local authorities and plans of action to recover control of the aircraft

Configuration Error

Outline steps to take in the event of a configuration issue with the aircraft


Property Damage

🔧 Week-Before To-Do List


titlePre-Flight Inspection
  •  Air Frame
    •  Check all antennas, ensuring they are secure and in good condition
    •  Check the battery emplacement and secure attachment and ensure there are no cracks
    •  Check that all lights are operating normally
    •  Check that all sensors are secured and clear of any obstructions
    •  Check that the GPS is receiving satellites and providing a navigation solution
    •  For fixed wing aircraft, Check:
      •  Wings, ensuring they are securely attached to fuselage
      •  Wing leading edge surfaces
      •  Top and bottom of wing surfaces
      •  Wing tip surfaces
      •  Read of wing and all flight control surfaces for freedom of movement, security and any skin damage
    •  For rotary aircraft:
      •  Inspect top and bottom of air frame arms for cracks, loose parts, or signs of damage
      •  Check fluid levels and ensure no leaks if applicable
  •  Control Surfaces
    •  Ensure Elevator moves correctly
    •  Ensure Ailerons move correctly
    •  Ensure Rudder moves correctly
  •  Landing Gear
    •  Check landing gear is secure
    •  Inspect skids or wheels, especially attachment points
  •  Power plant
    •  Cowling or motor casing
    •  Security of engine mounts
    •  Presence of any cracks
    •  All wiring and connectors, ensure no cracks, loose connectors, or chaffing
  •  Propellers / Rotors
    •  Ensure propeller is secured
    •  Check for nicks, chips or cracks
    •  Ensure prop direction is correct
  •  Batteries
    •  Inspect to ensure there is no signs of swelling, external leaking or other defects
    •  Battery wiring and connectors from the battery are connected securely
    •  Batteries (and spares) are adequately charged
    •  Wires are not pinched
  •  Control Station / Receivers / Transmitter
    •  The battery and spare batteries if required are adequately charged
    •  Control Station device and cables are properly connected and functioning
    •  All flight interfaces are functioning normally
  •  Safety
    •  Good visibility and safe wind speed
    •  Surrounding is free of obstacles
    •  Crew far from drone
    •  General Site Survey
      •  Are there other people on the property
  •  Ground Recording / drone footage on
  •  Autopilot
    •  Control surfaces respond to autopilot in the correct manner
    •  Transitions between flight modes have expected effect
    •  Return-to-home systems, if present, have been configured


Water Dmg. Breakdown


Booking WRESTRC Field

How to Book the Flight Grounds