WARG will be using:
Asana to track:
Low Level Tasks
Confluence to track:
Essentially anything we want to keep for a long time as reference for WARG members
High Level Program Direction
Engineering Analysis
The exception to this is engineering analysis on other WARG Platforms
Meeting Minutes
If meeting minutes are desired to be private Confluence has features to accommodate this
Google Calendar
To track meeting times, locations, and a link to meeting minutes
All WARG meetings should be documented and have meeting minutes
This automatically syncs to discord events
For communications
Private information (passwords) using private channels
Relocate “bookshelf” channels to Confluence
Photos and videos for social media
Autonomy Model Training Photographs
Google Drive
Financial ledgers
Slide Deck Presentations
Other Services
Altium 365
Do not store any WARG information on personal accounts.
If you have concerns with this or any edge cases please ping directors for assistance
This migration will be tough as these services are confusing and often difficult to use
Please reach out for directors or other leads for guidance as these systems are new for all of us.
If systems are continually not functioning we can absolutely pivot as a team
default discord settings for new joiners
community onboarding
Aaditya Chaudhary , Nathan Green - moving CAD PDM server to the warg bay discussion to occur soon
Project Proposals: Anthony Luo (5 minutes)
Clarity on current accounts going forward. Can have a no-buy freeze for 1 week if need time to sort out budget.
summary to follow - about engsoc accounts and etc ledgers being up to date
likely freeze until end of weekend
Bay Code Scrambling Hamza Ali (3 minutes)
Please fill out what needs to be discussed here
Megan Spee to email Graeme
Workshops Anthony Luo (5 minutes)
Aim to hold (1) workshop at least every other weekend.
Leads please let me know if you are interested / have ideas here: Workshops!
email TAs/instructors to get content from labs?
Flight Test Process Anthony Luo (5 minutes)
Deferred until next meeting.
No. Comp attendees & Comp Selection Conall Kingshott (10 minutes)
Follow through from comp debrief. What is listed are my (Conall) opinions, these are open to discussion.
Select a number (15?) when necessary for logistics
Select “core group” (Pilot, GS operator, etc.)
Fill in other members later
If you can’t make it the month and week before competition…
also may defer to next meeting
Adding people to services Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) (5 minutes)
Please fill out what needs to be discussed here
Upon completing bootcamp - team roster combo’d with adding emails to services? automate this? link from warg main website?
new member onboarding doc should be updated
new members onboarded quickly
Bay Organization Anthony Luo (5 minutes)
no touchy stuffy 🧸
subteam leads organize things with differentiation between common-use items and off-limits items.
some kind of bay inventory solution. QR codes? - Nathan Green to look into some solution for this…
Bay rules - point them out when people first enter the bay
point out what not to touch(?) in a non condescending way but in a ‘respect these items’ way
clean items out of the fridge
except for
solder paste
3D prints 💗
ice cream is up for debate :pikachu: