Versions Compared


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  1. Ctrl+f

  2. Click on Mavlink

    1. If you are running another application, proceed to step 3

    2. If you are observing MAVLink telemetry messages only, proceed to step 4

  3. Another application:

    1. In the upper dropdown, select TCP Host - 14550

    2. Check the Write access checkbox

    3. Click Connect

    4. Enter port 14550 , unless you are specifically using another port

    5. Click OK

    6. The application is ready to receive telemetry and send commands

  4. Observation only:

    1. In the upper dropdown, select UDP Client

    2. Leave the Write access checkbox unchecked

    3. Click Connect

    4. Enter , unless you are specifically using another IP

    5. Enter port 14550 , unless you are specifically using another port

    6. Click OK

    7. Mission Planner is now broadcasting telemetry

You can also observe some of the MAVLink messages through Mavlink Inspector (ctrl+f).

Instructions based on this:

Ardupilot Only


The Ardupilot website has extensive documentation on setting up the SITL found here ( You may be able to download the SITL binary without compiling yourself by downloading the firmware from here: And use to run it. (although this is untested).
