Line Impedance Stabilization Network
Analyzing power supply conducted emissions
need to choose some desired MPNs
1 Hz to VHF VNA
BODE 100: https://www.omicron-lab.com/products/vector-network-analysis/bode-100
Analyzing power supply stability
Analyzing impedances
VHF to C band VNA
Analyzing antenna SWR
Measuring S Parameters
need to choose some desired MPNs
Michael Botros to add desired specs
Used for DC-DC regulator power testing
Thermal testing for power systems or PDB
80V, 150A?? ( not too sure what budget range there is for this)this
for the purpose of this document please ignore budget constraints and pick the minimum viable dc eload that would allow for the specific kind of testing you would want to perform to benefit warg Michael Botros
Large DC power supply
Looking at 48 V Telecoms supplies capable of of ~100 A (5kW)
Analyzing drone ground performance without risking consumable batteries