Item | Presenter | Notes |
Welcome! | Conall Kingshott | |
Introductions | Conall Kingshott | |
Intro 2: Electric Boogaloo | Conall Kingshott | Meeting and work session times - Mech Meeting: Wednesday 8PM - Work Sessions: TBD - Comp sync Tuesday 9PM What we are trying to teach/learn and how we go about it Expectations (Communication in discord, professionalism, positive learning environment) Bootcamp and taking on tasks
Initial Question interlude | | |
Comp frame project explanation and check-in | Conall Kingshott | Show CAD Weight check in and manufacturing technique explanation Work on Cabin, mounts, and shields in next ~2 terms
Antenna tracker explanation and check-in | Arjun Mandair | |
Houston explanation and check-in | Conall Kingshott | What is Houston Landing gear stuff Upcoming weatherproofing
FEA/SIM explanation | Smile Khatri | |
Asana Time! | Conall Kingshott | |
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