Item | Presenter | Notes |
Welcome! | Conall Kingshott | |
Introductions | Conall Kingshott | Leads: Project Managers: |
Intro 2: Electric Boogaloo | Conall Kingshott | Meeting and work session times - Mech Meeting: Wednesday 8PM - Work Sessions: TBD - Comp sync Tuesday 9PM What we are trying to teach/learn and how we go about it Expectations (Communication in discord, professionalism, positive learning environment) Bootcamp and taking on tasks
Initial Question interlude | | |
Comp frame project explanation and check-in | Conall Kingshott | Show CAD Weight check in and manufacturing technique explanation Work on Cabin, mounts, and shields in next ~2 terms
Antenna tracker explanation and check-in | Arjun Mandair | Fixes that need to be implemented Lessen overall weight Manufacturing
Questions Continuous rotation servo? Servo on plate instead of bottom? Servo Wire tangling? Wiring antenna tracker to ground?
Houston explanation and check-in | Conall Kingshott | What is Houston Landing gear stuff Upcoming weatherproofing
FEA/SIM explanation | Smile Khatri | |
McMaster Order | Conall Kingshott | |
Asana Time! | Conall Kingshott | |
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