General Team Status/Schedule:
🍍 Updates this week!
Reminder that Aircraft sync happens every Tuesday at 9pm.
EE members are encouraged to drop in and listen.
Interested in becoming a pilot?
Checkout the IPP meetings and process!
Flight test this weekend
High Current Power Module (Taim, Steven)
Engineering decisions made and documented in meeting minutes
Taim Al-Dabbagh Steven Wang Please update!!
12S ESC (Ethan, Chris)
Board may or may not be completed for end of term. Need to sync with Chris
FOC firmware is complex and requires alot of time to ensure that everything is correct.
Ethan Abraham Christopher Chung
Ethan in India
6S ESC (Rayyan, Mostafa)
Mostafa: Attended buck control session by Farris, and decided on using electrolytic capacitor for output cap, started reading into current sense
Rayyan: Have Power MOSFETs selection down to a couple MOSFETs. Will have selection finalized by next meeting along with majority of everything else related to gate driver circuit.
I also attended Farris' Control Loop Learning Session and learned a lot and feel big brain now.
Both of have our Asana goals updated.
Continuing with trying to figure out a method to maximize the use of ADC resolution with variable voltage input.
Last midterm finished yesterday, will have more time to get back on top of it.
Would like to finish before end of term.
Finish schematic design in next two weeks.
Troubling thinking through voltage divider/zener diode/hp filter before signals enter ADC for current and votlage sensing.
Look to finish working through this issue before the Monday next week.
Tracking Antenna (Nolan, Hardy, Michael)
New Members!
Anthony Z