Research the elements that are typically included in a sponsor appreciation post. You may consult some of our previous posts on Instagram, but your post must differ significantly from our previous work. We are looking for your fresh approach to sponsor marketing!
Answer the proposal questions in the following form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h1o6cprzIkqSRz_CQMATlohH8WBFXHtOjCR7Pcx0oF1UM1BHR0FPUlhPTldXMUJLN0dYNk9OVkFZRC4uCQMATlohH8WBFXHtOjCR7Pcx0oF1URUFKNVU2VUgzVVU3N1FIWDZZTURCTEtRNS4u. Note: there are no “right” or “wrong” answers to these questions. We want you to justify your marketing decisions with sound judgment and reasoning.
What is the intended audience of your post?
Which platform(s) would you use to post your appreciation post? Why did you select these platforms?
What kind of media would you include in your post (ex, videos, photos, etc.)? How would you go about creating these media? What is the importance of media in your post?
How would you caption your post?
Submit your answers to the form to complete this task.