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titleCard 3: Houston obstacle avoidance

Test #1: Stab mode Lidar Verification


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in STAB 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that proximity continues to track at all angles

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Basic characterization of obstacle avoidance properties.

Test #2: Loit mode Obstacle Avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in Loit mode 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • Ensure that the drone does not move closer nearer to the wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  • Obstacle avoidance malfunction

    • Back-off, re-attempt.

    • If same behaviour, land and evaluate settings.

    • Continue test if possible

  • Loss of drone handling?

    • land if possible , dis-arm, re-attempt & slower speed.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track and function at all expected angles.

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track & function at all expected angles.

Test #3: Auto Mission obstacle avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Setup an auto mission which passes through an “obstacle”

  • Have a flight path.

  • Path doesn’t generate GG

  1. Set mission to AUTO, takeoff and fly!

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance continues to function!

  • drone does not avoid obstacle

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  • Drone de-stabilizes

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  1. Upon reaching end waypoint, RTL

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance functions in RTL

Necessary Preparation

Explain what capacity you need, what needs to be mounted, etc.


  •  Pegasus cleared to fly (mechanically)
    •  sensor mount ready
    •  Motors + frame rigid
  •  Houston cleared to fly (mechanically)
    •  sensor mount attached
    •  arms + plates rigid


  •  Pegasus cleared to fly (electrically)
    •  harnessing secure
  •  Houston cleared to fly
    •  Harnessing secure
    •  ELRS RX’s secure.

Embedded Flight Software


  •  Opflow → Offsets correct, usage correct ? (EKF3?)
  •  Lidar → Offsets correct, usage correct? Height limits set?


  •  Failsafes configured (Radio, GCS, Battery, ETC?)
  •  360 Lidar → Configured, ground tested. Distances set properly?


Test #4: Gemini Range Houston


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and land close range

  • Have a flight path

  • Check short range behaviour

  • Strange error

  • Gemini not work

  1. Takeoff and fly further until (1) no longer feels safe, (2) something funny happens

  • Have a flight path

  • Check long range behavior


Necessary Preparation

Explain what capacity you need, what needs to be mounted, etc.


  •  Pegasus cleared to fly (mechanically)
    •  sensor mount ready
    •  Motors + frame rigid
  •  Houston cleared to fly (mechanically)
    •  sensor mount attached
    •  arms + plates rigid


  •  Pegasus cleared to fly (electrically)
    •  harnessing secure
  •  Houston cleared to fly
    •  Harnessing secure
    •  ELRS RX’s secure.

Embedded Flight Software

  •  Pegasus Ardupilot Configuration ready
    •  Opflow → Offsets correct, usage correct ? (EKF3?)
    •  Lidar → Offsets correct, usage correct? Height limits set?
  •  Houston Ardupilot Configuration ready
    •  Failsafes configured (Radio, GCS, Battery, ETC?)
    •  360 Lidar → Configured, ground tested. Distances set properly?
  •  Test area SME available
    •  Test procedure is clear → Houston & Pegasus
    •  Possible deviations from test understood and considered → Houston & Pegasus
  •  Software ground tested
    •  Ground tests complete on all airframes (on battery over telemetry)
  •  Tracking Antenna
    •  Tested ? SME ready?
  •  ELRS / Radio management correct.
    •  ELRS rx’s on houston & pegasus. → Clear unique models.
    •  ELRS Airport on houston → Verify functioning.
    •  RFD900x on Pegasus → Verify functioning
    •  ELRS Trainer → Verify functioning



Phone # (opt)


Driving (question)


Anthony Luo


Y - 5pass SUV

Megan Spee


5-person liftback

Nathan Green


3-277 Dodge Grand Caravan

Ryan Chan


Sam Zhang


Tim Gu


Georgia Vachon Westerlund


Yuchen Lin




This section and remaining to be filled out by FTC and Flightline Team


Timeline Recap

9:05 - brief

1000 - Left the bay

1015- Arrived Wrest RC

1032 - Pegasus Takeoffs [50.BIN]

1042 - Pegasus GPS test [

1047 - Pegasus OpFlow test

1049 - Houston Proximity detection (1 stab, 1 loit)

1059 - Autotune on Pegasus [

1145 - Drone picture

+2 more flight on houston - battery swap.


1 set of battery for pegasus (4 batteries +) - total FT unknown

4 batteries for Houston - total FT unknown

  • almost all batteries on houston around 14% (guessing 10.6v)


  • Lidar not broken

  • Pegasus not broken

  • Manual flights on loiter into walls did not result in crashing

  • RFD900x on houston worked very quickly (last minute switch from Pegasus to Houston)

    • (ELRS did not have air-data rate)

  • Secondary controller worked fine (models were copied day of, but worked).

  • Media gathered

  • Pilot practice

  • We left on time, didn’t forget anything

  • Arm switch on pink controller bit close to the mode switch (in Megan Spee opinion)

    • Models were copied from Blue controller to pink Controller before flight test & without pilot checks.

  • Obstacle avoidance was really shaky in bendyruler pathing, took 4 tries to get past the shed

  • didn’t note down total flight times or battery voltages post-flight

    • Total flight times recorded on controller, but not noted.

    • Takeoff times not recorded.

    • Battery voltages not recorded.

  • pegasus shaking strangely large amounts pre takeoff on arm

  • GPS loiter not good on houston+pegasus

  • Auxiliary video/FPV drones around works for media but was distracting/ interfered with the tests

    • being within yelling range helped: could tell people to back off

  • Houston went up to ~ 40 meters and fell

    • pretty sure it was battery failsafeing

    • Houston batteries ran down to 4% - 10.4 V after recovery

  • Pegasus EKF failure, not sure why

  • LTE connection

    • could not fly after this

  • Pegasus yaw tune was pretty bad


Pegasus Op-Flow Calibration [0050.bin]

Took off + op flow calibration worked great

  • FlowX and FlowY scalars set to -158 and -152.

  • Took about ~ 10 seconds to calibrate, required pitch/roll inputs.

EKF failure when transitioning from GPS to non-GPS modes → Entered failsafe and landed.

  • can takeoff in GPS mode and then switch to EKF SOURCE Middle (opflow only)

    • can maintain stable flight / position controlled flight for ~ 10 seconsd before EKF failsafe

  • Had a bit of drifting in xy plane in loiter (not maintaining a very good position hold). Could be due to GPS error (but had opflow?).

    • occured in both GPS and OpFlow modes.

Notes/ next steps:

  • determine root cause

    • See if error is re-producable

  • Do not fly over people/buildings until source/cause is known (potential to enter EKF failsafe upon gps disconnection?)

  • Attempt to determine solutionss

    • Potentially re-configuring EKF sources / blending

    • Potentially re-calibrate accelerometer

    • Potentially examine gps-nongps transitions in more details

Houston proximity

  • Maintained 2m distance (set distance) when flying in loiter towards obstacles.

    • Worked in all directions.

    • Worked the best from the front, not significantly different in all axis.

    • Harder to tell if input commanded was aligned.

  • If you had more momentum approaching the wall, the drone would over-compensate and “bounce” away from the wall.

    • If full throttle, it would move back to 2m.

    • If backed off the throttle, maybe a bit of oscillation.

Pegasus Autotune

  • Pegasus Yaw had significant amounts of overshoot

    • Fixed after re running autotune

Houston Auto mission

  • Took multiple attempts to path around the object.

  • Saw the house, was trying to go around? Seemed like it couldn’t find the place…

    • there were 3 meters high bushes around the house'

Some failure points

  • 4 meters was too tall for the shed/house we were using as a wall obstacle

  • auto mission went close to a pole, resulted in pilot disarming the drone


Action items for next flight test

  • Try to fix this by recalibrating accelerometer at start of next flight test