Item | Cost (in CAD, after taxes, shipping, etc.) | Link |
Pixhawk 6X Standard Set No GPS | $443.33 | |
Raspberry Pi 5/8 GB + Raspberry Pi 5 27W USB-C Power Supply + Raspberry Pi Active Cooler | $153.62 | https://www.pishop.ca/product/raspberry-pi-5-8gb/?src=raspberrypi |
1051 TJA1051 High speed low power consumption and CAN transceiver module TJA1051T | $18.43 (buying 10) | |
Mini Panel Mount USB Trackball | $100.43 | https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/adafruit-industries-llc/5063/14625567 |
5 Pack 32 GB USB | $28.12 | https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B086372WMK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3J3LPF0T0FU3E&th=1 |
Reserved $ amount: $$743.93
Left-over $ amount: $$6.07
Using the $600 allocated towards aircraft sensors: