I am basing the schematic off of the current nucleo shield board. I made a new schematic for the new onboard devices and removed the interface sheet for the nucleo interconnectors. The Seeeduino has way less pins than the nucleo so things have changed. I have removed the additional servo pins that do not have overcurrent protection since we only need three pins. I have also removed the SD card reader/writer since debug data is sent over WiFi. I am also removing the protocol connectors that we don’t need and putting everything that uses the same bussed protocols on the same bus.
Low battery indicator
Removed this and connected the voltage sense to the MCU.
“For now the sensors we are using on the tracking antenna: GPS(UART), IMU(I2C/SPI), WIFI(SPI).” “the imu we were using I believe only has i2c.“ https://discord.com/channels/776618956638388305/1113893873891160074/1259663283191943198