That is the background info on what empennage is and how it works.
Author: Thushanth Parameswaran updating Date: 2024/07/21
Source: https://www.fzt.haw-hamburg.de/pers/Scholz/HOOU/AircraftDesign_9_EmpennageGeneralDesign.pdf
Design Rules
The lever arm of the empennage should be as large as possible. (Lever arm is the distance from Horizontal Stabilizer CL and wing Cl in level flight). This will reduce the size of the empennage, saving weight.
The aspect ratio of the horizontal stabilizer should be about half the aspect ratio of the
wing.Horizontal Stabilizer is fixed, an incidence angle of around 2° to 3° downwards
should be chosen to create a negative lift. (assuming we are using asymmetrical airfoil)Symmetrical airfoils are exclusively selected for vertical Stabilizer. (NACA 0004 might be a good start)