Versions Compared


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For analyzing stall, simulation is performed at maximum aileron deflection and at expected cruising speed. Initially, a steady state simulation was run but the plots of residuals, lift & drag struggled to converge and had a lot of noiseoscillations. A Hence, a transient simulation is also performed, which led to a less oscillating valuesconducted..

Mesh details:

  • Face sizing: 0.002 m applied only on the wing geometry

  • Surface mesh: enable curvature only, don’t need proximity feature

  • Boundary layers: last_ratio method with 5 layers. First layer height is 0.0001

  • Volume mesh: poly-hexcore method, everything else default.



  • Poly-hexcore to reduce total cell count.

The minimum ortho quality of the mesh generated is 0.05 which isn’t the best, will mostly affect cd accuracy. But the average quality is pretty high so it’s acceptable.

Aileron deflection

Pressure plot

Velocity pathline

Normal force (surface integrated)

Drag coefficient

Lift Coefficient

25 degrees DOWN

image-20240817-035048.pngImage Addedimage-20240817-035111.pngImage Added

Top_face = -5.86 N

Bot_face = 3.29 N

Total: 9.15 N



25 degrees UP

image-20240818-233703.pngImage Added

image-20240819-233415.pngImage Added

Top = 2.175 N

Bot = -5.04

Total: 7.22 N



Roll rate and time calculation script:

Code Block
%SI (m, kg, m/s, N)

MASS_TOTAL = 5.137;
rho = 1.225;
V = 25;
Ixx = 0.06; %moment of inertia about the roll axis (kg*m^2)
Sv = 0.0423;
Sh = 0.0666;

%Wing geometry
b = 1.5;
fuselage_width = 0.132;
C = 0.23;
Sw = 0.345;
taper = 1;
MAC = 0.23;
NACA = 4412;
Cr = C; %

%Control surface effectiveness param data points
CA_C_ratio = [0.004918032786885199,0.03442622950819667,0.06967213114754095, 0.09918032786885245, 0.12213114754098359, 0.19344262295081968, 0.28196721311475414, 0.4024590163934427, 0.5016393442622952, 0.5434426229508198, 0.6778688524590166
TAU = [-0.002272727272726982, 0.10000000000000009, 0.20000000000000007, 0.26363636363636367, 0.3045454545454547, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6068181818181819, 0.6886363636363637, 0.7181818181818183, 0.8136363636363637

%Aileron inputs 
span_ratio = 0.4;
chord_ratio = 0.25;
bi = 1.5*0.5-span_ratio*1.5*0.5;
bo = 1.5*0.5;
Ca = chord_ratio*C;
tau = interpolate_tau(CA_C_ratio, TAU, chord_ratio); %Aileron efficiency paramter 
delta_max = [25, 25]; % [UP, DOWN]
CLw_slope = 6.03;%cl per rad

C_DR = 0.9; %avg drag from wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail 
yD = (b-fuselage_width)*0.25;
phi_req = 90;
t_req = 1.7;

eq_Cl_deltaA = @(yi, yo) ((0.5*yo^2 + (2/3)*yo^3*(taper-1)/b)-(0.5*yi^2 + ...
    (2/3)*yi^3*(taper-1)/b))*(2*CLw_slope*tau*Cr)/(Sw*b); %Cl derivative
eq_Cl = @(x) x*delta_max(1,1)*pi/180; %Cl - rolling moment coefficient 

eq_LA = @(Cl) 0.5*rho*V^2*Sw*Cl*b; %Lift contribution from aileron 

eq_Pss = @(LA) sqrt((2*LA)/(rho*(Sw+Sv+Sh)*C_DR*yD^3));

eq_phi1 = @(Pss) (Ixx)*(log(Pss^2))/(rho*yD^3 * (Sw+Sv+Sh)*C_DR);

eq_roll_rate_derivative = @(phi1, Pss) 0.5*Pss^2/phi1;

%Assume that phi1 is going to be larger than phi_req for GA
eq_t2 = @(phi, P_dot) sqrt(2*phi/P_dot);

%Testing the equation 
Cl_deltaA = eq_Cl_deltaA(bi, bo);
Cl = eq_Cl(Cl_deltaA);
LA = eq_LA(Cl);
Pss = eq_Pss(LA);
phi1 = eq_phi1(Pss);
P_dot = eq_roll_rate_derivative(phi1, Pss);
tss = sqrt(2*phi1/P_dot);

if (phi1 > phi_req)
    t2 = eq_t2(phi_req*pi/180, P_dot);
    delta_t = (phi_req - phi1)/Pss;
    t2 = tss + delta_t;
err = (t2-t_req)/t_req *100;

%Plotting some points
time_v_phi(0.01, 5, tss,P_dot,Pss,phi1);

function graph_t_v_phi = time_v_phi(time_step,max_time,tss,P_dot,Pss,phi1)
        %Time vs phi
    t_nonlinear = 0:time_step:tss;
    phi = 0.5.*t_nonlinear.^2 .* P_dot;
    plot(t_nonlinear, phi);
    title("Time vs. Bank Position");
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Bank angle (deg)');
    hold on
    %Linear region
    t_linear = tss:time_step:max_time;
    b = phi1 - Pss*tss;
    phi_lin = b + Pss.*t_linear;
    plot(t_linear, phi_lin);
    hold off

function tau = interpolate_tau(x_points, y_points, x)
    data_x = x_points(:);
    data_y = y_points(:);

    if x < min(data_x) || x > max(data_x)
        error('Outside the range!');

    %Find indices of 2 points, 1st point less than x, 2nd point greater
    indx1 = find(data_x <= x, 1, 'last');
    indx2 = find(data_x >= x, 1, 'first');

    %If x matches a data point, return corresponding y
    if data_x(indx1) == x_points
        tau = data_y(indx1);

    %Linear interpolation 
    x1 = data_x(indx1);
    x2 = data_x(indx2);
    y1 = data_y(indx1);
    y2 = data_y(indx2);

    tau = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1);