Digital IC Selection
Supports NA
Supports max mavlink datarate
no external camera features keeps cost down
~$30 bucks
has USB FS support and a ton of UARTs
$18 is a lot but it’s the cheapest we gonna get
somewhat discussed in LTE Breakout
First Buck Stage Component Searching
Super glad there’s a lot of options in this voltage range, seems to be getting better with time as automotive bus voltages are rising.
Best from MPS
I kinda wanted to use MPS here, but doesnt seem like any of their stuff solves
Searching Digikey
I like these microchip and Vishay options, the analog devices ones are hella overpriced (as usual).
Microchip options are slightly cheaper and support higher input voltage so will let one of these ride.
Plenty in stock, super cheap, https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/microchip-technology/MIC28516T-E-PHA/13175035 seems like the way to go here! Size doesn't really matter that much for me. Waay Way smaller then having external FETs so I’ll take it.
Setting output voltage to 5.05V target, calculating using https://github.com/UWARG/hardware/tree/master/Scripts .