Design #1: Embedded mounts with Sheet Metal Rib FrramesFrames
Aileron Cord:
In line with the suggestions for the cord length
Total cord length: 230mm
Aileron Cord: 57.5mm → 25% of the cord (upper end of 15-25%)
Aileron Span
Total semi span: 750mm
Aileron span: 250mm
Aileron Span Ratio: 33.3% → 35% of the cord (below lower end by 2%) → concern of increasing since the design needs the ribs to line up.
Concern → syncing up with the existing rib spacing and the wing's trailing edge with a potential cutout and wall to mount the wing hinge
Current Mass
Mass: 22.53 grams
→ excludes integration mechanism and corresponding changes.
Suggestions for Servo Horn Mount: