Raiyan Samin
Saved on 2024-11-27 Manasva Katyal
Drivers Ethan Leung
Message Queue Dami Peng
Made PR for abstract interface. Boardfile interface is also finished. Will likely start implementation after finals?
Motor Channel (PWM) Bill Lu
Bill has sent me some updates on his interface and implementation, I will take a look later
RC Receiver Chandise Anderson
Finished interface, but had issues trying to push to my branch. I will start working on implementation this week and will ask if I have any issues about it
Watchdog Ronald You
basically ready for pr
need to review some minor details
Attitude Manager Sam Zhang
No updates, just waiting for the finalized interface between drivers for the PWM motor function and the queue.
System Manager Manasva Katyal
SM interface + internal logic scaffolding PR was merged in
Had a sync meeting a couple days back with the SM team to align delegations
Implementation ongoing… Raiyan Samin Sreya Roy Chowdhury to give further updates
Failsafe Raiyan Samin
Waiting for pr to be checked