what is plan for making the system work next term?
what are min viable product milestones?
when do we want to deliver minimum viable system?
IR camera driver and detection almost merged in, 90% of the way there
IR camera settings: Max ISO is 64 and doesn’t look too grainy
MAVLink communication to ground is in progress
FTP has some hope (can see files, but need some more work on reading)
StatusText has been debugged and working (on sim)
Pegasus killswitch and UART setup complete (although killswitch not set on controller)
ssd status
done ee-wise
water board status?
assembled, validated, and tested, handed-off to mech
programming board
will be rlly useful for led board validation
will be assembled sometime before end of term - as soon as digikey components come in
board bring up plan for next term