plz clean up this section eventually
Two vehicles, 12 people, was very nice last cycle, kind of want to repeat that. It’s kind of a sweet spot where we still get a good amount of people to learn and key players but not too many that it’s tough to travel with. Also a vehicle cost optimization is nice especially if we can lock in two caravans.
Also worth looking into trailer training right now. If Nathan’s not confirmed to go, then we gonna need 2 trailer drivers
Would be very stressful to have new people drive the trailer for so many hours and likely isn’t safe.
Flying is also a possibility this year to get to Alberta which would probably reduce people count quite a bit as well.
Driving is a significant amount of time and doesn’t really save money so we are leaning toward flying.
General Finance Clarity
Attendees will split the bill for shared food personally during the trip.
WARG will not pay for attendees food.
Competition provides some food of course.
Attendees will not pay for competition merch
comp merch has our sponsors logos and stuff on it so is bought by the team for members
Attendees will not pay for competition travel
travelling to and from comp is paid for by WARG
Attendees will not pay for competition attendance fee
it makes sense for WARG to pay this