Progress recap
Cluster estimation
merged into main
flight tested dec 14
IR Camera
PiCamera NoIR
Drivers written, but needs to be integrated PR is up - still a little bit of changes
New camera, can be used if PiCamera fails
MAVLink and communications worker
In progress, PRs are up
There’s also a ground side script being worked on with message receive + KML generation
Detect Target
Geolocation/cluster estimation params
PR is up
Task 1
communications worker
Make class and put into worker
There’s also a ground side script being worked on with message receive + KML generation
Create unit + integration tests
Cluster estimation
More testing - decide on how to find outliers / mistakes
Basic: count number of points in each cluster
Add this to config file
Flight test this at beginning of term
Integration in general
Detect target - can be set through config
Camera drivers - PR is up, put into airside main
Change integration test for video_input
Current plan is to have pilots fly manually
Autonomous take-off/landing?
Taken care of by pilots
RTL good enough
start ground testing 1 week before flight test
Goal - get everything integrated and start flight tests by end of January (full comp specs)
Task 2
Wait until task 1 flight test is complete
Meeting times
Do we want a bigger room? or is everyone offsite?
Book asap for thurs before mech (send lettuce)
Put out the pm form asap (deadline jan 6)
Ask Ashish Agrahari if he’s staying on and if he’s onsite
Maybe multiple pms for a projects
Esp if airside pm is offsite, we might want one onsite
New lead onboarding - someone on Tong Zhang 's stream
Leading Let multiple people try leading work sessions?
PMs - who’s continuing?
Balaji Leninrajan Vibhinn Gautam continuing, Jane Zeng stepping down Ashish Agrahari tbd
Discussion about socials, team efficiency/things getting done on time?
Make flight test a “social”
Boba after meetings
Effectiveness of work sessions?
Work sessions before meetings?
More than 1 person leading them - PMs
Git+project setup+Mission planner, airside workshops at start of term