To be completed in 2 weeks or 3, must be done before midterms/reading week
Target: 05
Ground test/flight test this or if missed
Send debug message or any MAVLink message from communication worker (maybe many workers) to the flight interface worker, which has a link to
For comp: (GPS coords)
Connect communication worker to flight interface (with a new queue)
Use common’s message_encode_decode to encode the GPS coordinates into sendable messages (in flight interface worker)
Decide to let sender and receiver implement the protocol properly and not part of common library (temporary until next architecture/protocol update)
Not comp critical: (Debug messages)
Maybe later, after comp
New message protocol to support longer messages
New architecture to support multiple workers sending debug messages
Supporting LANDING_TARGET (landing_target_send()) message (different MAVLink messages)
Task breakdown
2 tasks total:
Create queue for communication to flight interface
Flight interface use message_encode_decode to send MAVLink message