LED Board Nick ArmstrongTochi Okoro Billy Karantzoulis Gotta go through Anni’s list of things for LED Board and turn into actionable items with priority (EFS Leads) Neopixel control is in a great state Board-board communication needs work, but the low level CAN side of it is done Board-Ardupilot communication needs a lot of work, in particular figuring out how to get Ardupilot to spit out relevant messages like speed, braking, etc onto the CAN busWorked on implementing the central node election algorithm Billy joined the team and is taking a look at writing Ardupilot-side scripts in Lua to generate CAN messages with info like altitude, speed, etc Tochi and I are still looking into what she wants to work on
Servo Hardy Yu Allan Su Ethan Leung 6s Power Module Bryan MaAndrew Wang Baud Rate Auto Sensing Teighan Miller Sensor Cluster |