LED Board Nick ArmstrongTochi Okoro Billy Karantzoulis Servo Hardy Yu Allan Su Ethan Leung 6s Power Module Bryan MaAditya Sharma Andrew Wang 6S Power Module has been updated The portswith lots of resources on the Battery Monitoring Circuit, including: How to address the chip How to select the cell to measure the voltage from How to set REF_SEL , which affects how current is being measured Recorded the cell monitoring formula, which allows us to convert from measured voltage of the MCU pins to the actual voltages of the cells All references to the datasheet are explicitly written. This helps us look back into the datasheet later, if needed Some other details on I2C communication are a work in progress
Aditya Sharma wrote some code for setting up I2C and functions for specific functionalities (such as selecting the active cell). Git commits will be made later.
Baud Rate Auto Sensing Teighan Miller Sensor Cluster Barometer IMU Lidar Aidan Fisher Magnetometer Henry Wu Validated CAN RX message transferred from the STM32L433RC Tried compass calibration two times, both stuck at 33%. Unsure if there is an issue or I am doing the calibration poorly
PixArt OFS Radar Henry Wu