Table of Contents
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||
Optional LEARN courses include the “ESMS Safety Orientation” (Engineering Student Machine Shop). This is required for entrance to the ESMS in E5 1101. If you are a Mechanical Member, we heavily recommend completing this course. (~ 2 hours)
Create an Asana account:
We recommend registering with your university provided email.
Go to your profile in the top right, click profile, and add your name.
Create a Confluence account: .
Click Sign In at the top right of the screen, then click Sign Up. We require doing “sign in with Microsoft” to sign in with your university provided Microsoft account.
We require the use of uwaterloo email for all platforms for new members.
GitHub for Autonomy, Electrical, EFS:
I would like to be added to the GitHub organization. My username is: [uwaterloo email used for GitHub]
Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!
Altium 365 for Electrical:
I would like to be added to the WARG's Altium 365. My UWaterloo email is: [uwaterloo UW email]
Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!
CAD file storage system for Mechanical:
I would like to be added to Solidworks PDM
Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!