Project | PM | Notes |
Pathing | Balaji Leninrajan Evan Zhao | Evan Zhao Finding water route PR under review – but more scrutiny is also needed for double-checking validity of algorithm after realizing a test case was wrong – Evan should be done by next meeting Slight issue with flight controller migration, not major but will take some time Circle mode is still being researched
Airside | Achita Anantachina Herman Gahra | MAVLink update: STATUSTEXT messages have strings as input (null terminated), so we cannot send the byte “0” Try these 3 other messages, and see if they get forwarded from flight controller (pixhawk/simulator) to ground station: DEBUG_VECT (250) NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT (251) NAMED_VALUE_INT (252)
Workaround for now: base64 encoding around current bytes to have it fit in a string representation
IMACS | Vibhinn Gautam | |
Obstacle Avoidance | Vyomm Khanna | Andrew’s reviewed the PRs , merging them into OA repo by tommorw.Vyomm Khanna Old PRs closed yet? Working on final unit + integration tests for VFHDecision that were blocked by the merge Ready to roll out task: Implementing module to translate output of the VFHDecision Module into a MAVLink command to deflect the drone using flight-interface and controller.Honzik Schenk VFHDecision output to MAVLink command
IR Camera + detection | | |
ML | Multiple people work on these, top priority (lots of images!) | |