2025-03-07 Flight Test (2025-3-7 Pegasus 2 Task 1 Sim, KML messages over MAVLink, and foam plane pilot training )
Card #1 (Peggy IR Cam)
KML not flown as Autonomy was unable to get it running
Flew Huston IR cam test, exact same process, but with Peggy
Noticed only different was more vibe, so will discuss ways to improve detection algorithm (likely will need some config tuning)
Card #2 (Tuning)
Flew a final performance eval flight
Manasva Katyal analyzed logs, vibe and step response are within “very good” bounds as per Ardupilot docs
This marks the final official tuning related flight for the airframe
Will come back to future of this airframe when discussing Task 1
Task 1
PLANNING: Drone Swarm??
As per AEAC response, we can bring multiple airframes and fly them simultaneously for Task 1
This is quite game-changing, and should be seriously considered
STATUS: Autonomy Updates:
STATUS: MAVLink KML messages
At previous flight test, system was runtime erroring and thus was not flown
STATUS: Solutions to False Detections
STATUS: Geolocation of Beacons
STATUS: Pathing
STATUS: EFS Tuning Airframe
Officially done the tuning cycle
Analyzed flight logs, step response and vibe are reduced and within “very good” thresholds according to Ardupilot docs
Will start process on Pegasus at the next flight test!
Thoughts on transitioning the airframe to a pilot training frame once pilot training program is started up?