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WARG Attendance
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Our Topics/Questions
Safety Captain Requirements
Their Agenda
Carolyn MacGregor – information gathering from student teams
before strategic planning: how many students are involved in design teams
keeping pace with growth in design teams
budget cuts, deficits; Dean’s money pot is unlikely to grow
where growth support is needed for teams
Hannah started doing interviews, Atisa picking up; reaching out to do more interviews
identifying gaps and how to resolve them
work in progress
Brian Shuh and Rachel Fleming – EMS updates
materials need funding source
more financial information
busiest term
manufacturing season needs a plan and scope for this term
E3 waterjet
everything goes through orders
not same-day, likely about a week turnaround
Derek Rayside – co-op student hiring initiatives for Winter 2025 term
placement rates were awful
trying to find opportunities for 300+ eng students
hiring initiatives for students
any creative way to get students co-op experience
potentially flex co-op for a lower amount of weeks
any co-op hiring restrictions have been waived
open to any way to get more co-op students
don’t take the work lightly but if possible, take the opportunity
just for this term for now
Can share a coop with another team
supervisor doesn’t have to be onsite, just available a bit to answer questions
Graeme – facilities updates, including update on electrical safety requirements
some soldering bought that wasn’t CSA approved
Amazon purchases will be looked at much more carefully
if it’s too cheap to be true, it probably is
limit Amazon orders to reputable brands
if reputable they say we can just buy elsewhere anyways
limiting approval on amazon orders for things that need csa approval
resellers are making scams
dead vehicle batteries: CAA page added
All vehicles have CAA coverage, use it if in trouble outside of working hours
HV room is not set up right, missing some safety
put something in place where new users are paired with approved trainers/experts
“experts” are student team members that use the equipment a lot and pass the torch
similar to the RPC trained co-ops
in the process of being set up for next term; contact Graeme to use equipment
Safety Captains
not team leads
some experience with the team, understand the majority of the systems
serious role; basic things keep getting overlooked
deliverables should be in by midterm
unsure about the pick and place machine; sell or use
Booking out spaces in the sdc common area for teams without bays
tape marked on the ground for an area that can be booked
Asked teams for thoughts on if this would be good
important for capstone projects, other people besides teams
no blanket booking?
don’t book that space if you have a work bay
for teams that only have a closet or locker
could still book if doing a quick test that needs space or packing for comp
still retain flexibility
talk to the team that booked it about the space
maybe a screen or system to display booking because not many people have access to booking
unofficial whiteboard
Saving and displaying projects in the SDC – continued discussion from Fall term
requests for saving/displaying projects
a lot of teams and not a lot of space
maybe a photo gallery on 7th floor
hanging from ceiling displays?
hard to decide what gets to be displayed
can the team be captured in a single photograph
what photo can capture our team?
cycling photo gallery on screens
SDC Forms, including travel form – new location on SDC website
travel form is on the sdc website
within two weeks before leaving
Same form, different location
Adding spaces to room booking system – E5-2006, E5-2001
maybe not booking because some teams use it for work
happy as it is
Vinyl banners for workbays, work spaces
offer professional banners made for workbays and spaces
visually good looking
they were supposed to be named spaces with donors
will get explored, ask dean for funding
WARG Questions
Timeline for safety deliverables in recent email?
Have then done by midterm safety inspection
Pick n place? Interest? Can we sell for WEEF money?
Potentially - money would go to SDC not weef and can be redistributed
Will talk to WEEF about
Probably can’t get much for it
Reach out to Graeme if you wanna use it
SDC tools sign out sheet?
Not too many shared tools exist but yeah they can look into makin a better way to inform us an track which tools are available.
Plans to bring back machine shop waterjet?
E3 waterjet works
They want everyone to send requests there
Staffing issues still
They are willing to let us use the SDC waterjet for last minute things but want us to send things to E3 if we can.
They were gonna start making teams pay for waterjet anyways so sending it to E3 isnt worse from a cost perspective.