General Updates
Electronic component inventory status:
found a lot of items
pixhawk 6x + power module, can gps x2, esc, motor, pitot tube tubing, ep dual
recieved ordered replacements
compass, rangefinder
STATUS: Wing Mounting Issues?
New plate was water jetted, may need to cheat the holes a bit to make it fit, but will be fixed within next week
STATUS: Landing Gear
Both are ready
Rear landing gear might undergo one change, but usable for the time being and has servo mounted
servo will be connected to the tail servo module
STATUS: Overall Airframe Integration
Need to mount electronics when ready. Does EE want this before harnessing?
yes please
sticky tape the ssd on top of servo motor on the wing
Waiting on EE harnessing to finish the wings
Avionics/EE updates
STATUS: Harnessing (EE)
Jerry will lead eclipse harness work sessions
EE will work on comp critical projects first and then focus on eclipse harness
STATUS: 6s Servo Module / Single Servo Module (EE / EFS)
Was able to run off DroneCAN commands
STATUS: Electronics Validation
Has been flashed with Arduplane firmware
Servo validation?
Sensor validation
Both M9N GPS have been tested over DroneCAN
Manasva Katyal Will test compass, rangefinder, ep dual, esc, motor next week
Can also test pitot tube once tubing is cut and mounted
Thoughts on Nucleo breakout for ZP?
motor power and signal breakouts
built in sensors
signal connectors like zp dev interface
buck built in to power everything
bringup priority?
Pilot Training - Foam Plane