EE Meeting: Wednesdays 6 PM EST E5 4106
EE Worksession: Sundays 1-4PM in the Bay
Comp Architecture sync tonight @ 8 PM EST E5 2103
Team Social with Midsun and Orbital this friday 7-10 PM E7 2409
Bring Up Boards
esc can adapter x 5 (Meghan)
12S Buck x3 (Ishman)
CAN Splitter x 5 (Daniel)
Single Servo Module x 5 (Daniel)
Keyboard x 5 (Nathan)
Tracking Antenna Board x 5 (Ryan)
6s servo module x 5 (Meghan)
6S Power Module x 5 (Andrew)
LED board 30.5x30.5 x 5 (Parker)
rpi interface rev b x3 (daniel)
LED board motor mount x 5 (daniel)
GPS breakout x 3 (Ria)
Design Boards
Will hear more about them laterLong term vision boards
Let me (Ryan) know if you’re interested
Second priority (after bring-up)
Harness the Drones
Attend Flight Tests to provide support
Join arch syncs to understand the system - Wednesdays at 8.
Fill out the Team Roster: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/ka0MJHJQ9D
Everyone who has completed the bootcamp MUST fill it out every term
First Team Social: Friday, September 20 @ 7 PM in E7 2409 (Second floor Ideas Clinic)
Joint social with Midnightsun Midnight sun and Orbital
Bring board games and baked goods!
Work sessions: Sundays at 2pm
First session will making some of the same board all together to learn how it is done.
After that we will all get our own boards to do work on.
New Project Managers:
Jerry: Pegasus 2 PM
Meghan: Board Validation PM
Andrew: Board Bring-up PM
Parker: Bootcamp PM
Feel free to seek help for them with these things!
Miscellaneous Tasks (Let me know if you are interested in doing)
Researching a hotplate to order (Timeline: ASAP)
Disassembling a monitor for IMACS (Timeline: Very soon)
Discussing Meeting Times
6pm still works for everyone
Some people have class at 6:30
Before 6 is fine but may be hard for coop people
Same room and same time is locked in recurring every week E5
Active Projects
RPi Interface Rev C
Unified VTX
AM32 open source library locked in
Original FOC algorithm as backup
Finalized MCU pinout
Review next week
ELRS Redundant Diversity RX
LTE Breakout
Daniel Puratich (not sure who else is actively on this one)
12s Servo Module Jerry Tian
On hold to focus on comp critical Peggy 2 tasks.