Anthony Luo
Saved on 2023-07-10 Megan Spee
We need to stay on top of finance stuff! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!
Cleanup ops discord channels (?)
Operations - Responsibilities
Booking a room for next general meeting
Georgia Vachon Westerlund running this over the summer
Sample jacket has arrived!
Make Google Form to gauge interest in F23 jacket order (?)
Announce this at general meeting
make a form to process requests - give options for summer and fall
New logo draft
New Logo Draft
Vote results:
Use new logo everywhere: 44
Use new logo on jackets only: 2
Don’t like logo: 0
Select day for logo relaunch (?) - Georgia Vachon Westerlund
Facebook (?)
YouTube (?)
Website - Ryan
All email accounts
Delay until jackets are in (?)
designers 👁️
patch design social - Ryan Chan
Hats - caps or bucket hats
Water bottle
Website update from ryan?
everything is up
needs more documentation
blog style posts?
to start in the fall
Regaining access to Facebook via Meta…
change logo on this - Ryan Chan
external sponsorships?
Team Sign?
Ryan Chan
going to ask mech for people who want to work on it at Thursdays meeting
Youtube channel
competition recaps
build logs
project updates?
airframe reveal videos
New LinkedIn banner - Georgia Vachon Westerlund
new excel sheet
user friendly
does not integrate google forms, too much difficulty
people can do entries in this manually
Need to maintain the WEEF spending with WEEF’s internal sheet
receipts sent to new outlook email to keep track
Canva poster updated, ready to print
Print coloured 8.5x11in posters in DC
Put up posters around buildings
recruitment plan
representatives at club fairs/ open houses
have a bootcamp that is fun and engaging
do 1:1s with team members