Below is a similar concept. It is less geometrically complex, but when you release the water, it will flow out at the edges.
Author: Conall Kingshott Date: 2024/09/21
Landing Gear and Barrel Geometry
Worked on some basic geometry sketches and the concept is less easily executed than I thought it would be originally. The first image below is the basic geometry of the drone with a hypothetical angled landing gear below it. The triangular shape in the middle of the landing gear is the above-described water collection mechanism. The drone is hovered over the barrel.
The image below is the drone in its “landed” state with the water collection system fully submerged in the barrel and the angled landing gear on the lip of the drone to keep it in place.
The water collection unit is less deeply submerged than I would have liked. I will work on some geometry tweaks like shortening the height and widening the width of the collection cone to try and make some small improvements.
If the height of the cone is 5”, the volume is 2.5L and we can complete 15 cycles.
If the height of the cone is 7” we get 3.5L and a total of 7 cycles.
The exact specifics of the geometry we want to use can be finalized in the long term, but these volume calculations are promising.