Onboarding new leads
New leads probably know mostly how the team works already, but here’s a few things to make the transition easier.
Get admin privileges on any tools/services we use (including confluence, asana, grabcad, other 3D file sharing things).
Change the confluence Mechanical main page to update the new leads' name(s) and discord #s.
Get access to the uwarg gmail. Not very urgent, but ask for this in leads/ get someone to help you login with the 2FA.
Things you may not know about:
the Administration page on confluence. in particular, https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2055143624/Manager+s+Couch , for team values, and things like this https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2072150019/WIP+Team+Lead+s+Handbook
Team Lead’s Handbook references vehicle booking, finances, etc.
it also includes Restarting WARG, which you should read through when you’re sad or something. Or if you want to know the step-by-step for restarting warg if it dies (again 😩 ).
Anyways, to new leads: good luck, you’ll do great!
Getting new members
The main thing is to keep people involved!
This kind of thing is very important right at the start of the term!
Managing projects
Some different ways of managing projects include (this) Confluence docs, Asana, Excel, Discord channels. Anything that works is great, and it’ll likely cross-over regardless.
Make sure a person is responsible for each part of a large project. This helps ensure deadlines are met, and that nothing gets forgotten or made “someone else’s problem”.
As a lead, chances are you will be procuring or purchase->reimbursing more things than you used to. Sometimes stock or equipment needs to be bought fast (and it can get expensive), so make sure you have a handle on the budget spreadsheet (linked in #info) and keep on top of your reimbursements.