PLANNING: Drone Swarm??
As per AEAC response, we can bring multiple airframes and fly them simultaneously for Task 1
This is quite game-changing, and should be seriously considered
STATUS: Autonomy Updates:
STATUS: MAVLink KML messages
At previous flight test, system was runtime erroring and thus was not flown
STATUS: Solutions to False Detections
STATUS: Geolocation of Beacons
STATUS: Pathing
Currently working on searching for hotspots in concentric circles around the middle of the field – Evan Zhao
STATUS: EFS Tuning Airframe
Officially done the tuning cycle
Analyzed flight logs, step response and vibe are reduced and within “very good” thresholds according to Ardupilot docs
Will start process on Pegasus at the next flight test!
Thoughts on transitioning the airframe to a pilot training frame once pilot training program is started up?
Full Team Work Session
After discussion Evan Janakievski , Manasva Katyal deemed that full team worksession might not be the best for efficiency
Instead will run an auto bootcamp to bring up all onsite members in all aspects of operating the system (Maxwell Lou )
Will right after that run a high level intro to the entire system we run on our drones (Manasva Katyal + Evan Janakievski )
STATUS: EFS CAN Lighting Board
Nick Armstrong to update
STATUS: Comp Readiness
STATUS: Backup Airframe
PLANNING: Transporting the drone
PLANNING: Proof of flight video