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The role of the technical director was made in F21 to accommodate for team leads (Executive DirectorsTeam Leads (which has since been superseded by Executive Director) who wanted to remain involved with the team and retain technical authority. This role has morphed into a role wherein they represent team executive team’s direction in technical decisions and are responsible for driving the technical program of the team. It is best thought of as the “CTO”, Chief Technology Officer, of the team. The below outline responsibilities outlines the current state of the role much better.

Org Structure

See Team Charter and Roles for details. The role of technical director sits at the team executive director level. However, the technical director reports to the executive director and may be overridden by the executive director(s) for any reason at any time. The vision and scope of the role do not include deciding high-level team direction.



While director disagreements are rare, historically all directors are intended to invest the time into a discussion and come to a unanimous decision for all director level disagreements.


  • Follow Director Expectations

  • Follow Director Onboarding

  • Direct, care about, and drive technical programs

    • Working alongside subteam leads and other directors of course

  • Speak on behalf of the team to other organizations and represent WARG on behalf of the executive team when the executive director is not present .Oversee technical and administrative processes and assert that the technical strategies of the team are in line with the vision presented by the executivethe situation requires doing so.

  • Research and advise on new technologies to improve the teams' technical assets.

  • Ensuring that technologies currently in use are efficiently and effectively utilized

  • Foster cross-collaboration between subteams

  • Advise (and as required/delegated by the executive, direct) on technical and operational leadership matters to improve the organization’s growth, retention, and management potential

  • Run program level architecture syncs

  • Driving architecture documentation