Pushing tracking antenna to completion
Focusing on Eclipse projects (CAN periphs)
Power module
Servo driver
ZeroPilot Milestones
Old arch development stalled, and new architecture being worked on simultaneously → hard to pinpoint exactly where we are in the milestonesis in progress
Old ZP:
developed up to Milestone 2
works on nucleo boards but not EE ZP boards
difficult to debug, and generally unpleasant to work with so dev was very slow
New ZP:
working on Milestone 1
(basic flight, foundational rtos arch)
drivers - RC, motor, watchdog, message queue, SD card
managers - system, attitude
final system integration (putting everything in main.cpp), and run on foam plane
New tuning
Path forward is to talk to team about it at first EFS meeting
Explain why this is critical
Learning tuning will increase their odds of coming to competition
Explain why this is a good opportunity
Setup an environment for knowledge transfer and for progress