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eric yoon
Notes on manufacturing status.
Fuselage status?
STATUS: Panels cut & mounted? (said would be done last weekend)
Panels are cut and ready to be mounted (planning to check how it fits with the wing/spars attached this weekend before fully mounting it)
STATUS: Airframe slots (Mech/EE discussion last week)
Will be worked on this coming weekend
STATUS: Lasercut ribs (task was supposed to be given out last week)
Ribs were cut and ready to go
STATUS: 3D prints
One set of prints done
Need to print some parts for the aileron
STATUS: Frame (should be done), Wrapping (progress update)
Assembly and wrapping planned for next work session
Timeline: initial prototype within 2 weeks (~ Feb 8), bit more for maiden flight
UPDATE: still on target?
landing gear
STATUS: (had some delays last week due to part orders and whatnot)
Anyone seen an amazon package w/ a servo adapter inside?
reach out on friday if this doesnt show up
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: depends on order shipping, tentative ddl Feb 1
will be pushed back depends on machining status and the above servo adapter order
STATUS: linkages for the elevators and rudder
haven’t started making the linkages but we have a plan. Should take couple hours.
STATUS: need to 3D print the elevator and rudder
Testing tolerance, should be ready by tomorrow to print the final rudder and elevators.
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: still on target?
I think so, but some stuff will probably be worked on during Feb 1 work session. I am comfortable to pushing the deadline to Feb 8
Everything Mech is in last drawer in the red toolbox.
flagpoles are on 1st row on mech shelf
Avionics/EE updates
Maiden flight Electrical block diagram needs one more check before harness work starts https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ARCHS22/pages/2556133415/Fixed+Wing+2025#Maiden-Flight-Electronics-System-Diagram
Jerry Tian to do last fix on harness diagram tn and assign out harness tasks
Harness timeline
physical harness done by Feb 23
6s Servo Module
STATUS? (rev 2 pcb + efs update)
having trouble finding the module 😞
good amount of people assigned, Hardy Yu is leading it
6s power module (EFS)
STATUS? (progress & setting deadlines)
person assigned is newer to embedded stuff, another person was added
being pushed in work sessions
having trouble flashing anything onto the board
sometime after midterms, IS BLOCKING EE HARNESS
STATUS: EE to finalize and order connectors
Sarah is placing the order
Order will be sent out tomorrow
Foam Plane Pilot Training (first flight): Feb 2
Ecplise Eclipse Strapdown Test: March 1st/2nd
Eclipse Maiden Flight Test: March 8th/9th
Pilot Training - Foam Plane
Plane is built and validated on the ground
nylon lock nuts
Ready to test on the 2nd