Versions Compared


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  • Links

  • What

    • add in CAN support

      • four pin JST for drone

        • the 100mil things on the side didnt work out too well

        • we had issues with pads ripping off on first rev

      • use common CAN circuit referenced in ESC CAN Adapter with stm

    • change to support peggy and fixed wing mechanical packaging

      • need to validate the motor mount strategy works. Alternatively 30x30mm might be nice to mount on bottom of center frame?

    • fix all comments in schematic

    • firmware:

      • ardu support /pixhawk controlled for thsi ensured.

      • controllable from controller on ground through pixhawk or automated scripts on the ground or droneside from rpi or something.

    • all components on one side of the pcba?

      • easier to paste them all in one go.

      • easier to inspect and mount

    • mounting pattern

      • sticking with 40x40 M4 for peggy motors seems optimal

      • could go with 30x30mm/30.5x30.5mm M3 so we can mount to other parts of frame more commonly

  • Concerns

    • must use low datarate and both CAN buses to avoid sublength becoming an issue

      • toggleable termination

  • Why

    • we are able to control the pattern in firmware without reflashing the boards

    • Simple 1:1 harness can be used

      • harness was a massive problem on first rev

      • looked ugly

    • Would be cool if they all sync up and change colors to represent flight modes

  • Who

  • When

    • unknown