All in all though, RTL always worked and we only flew within capabilities of ourselves and the drone
Flight Test Logs
The graph above is the accumulated MAVLink Packet received/sent in the flight controller (PX6) during a flight test
The red line represents the data sent and the green is the data transmitted
The key takeaway from this graph is that we know the telemetry RX/TX isn’t proportional. The RX:TX has a 10 times ratio difference shown in the graph
The airport uplink/downlink bandwidth ratio is balanced and unchangeable. In the future, if the ELRS airport uplink/downlink bandwidth could be customized, then the telemetry transmission quality could be further optimized.
Logs (view only - must be signed in to UW account): https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uwarg_uwaterloo_ca/EnmcEWaGxHdEiYuD6xJM7XMB3XnpnPPU6S26vowZ1zjkQQ?e=gwI5j1