Angled landing gear may be ready for next weekend
if it’s not ready, pilot training on peggy 2 will still be done
Payload manufacturing has begun, on track for dec 14th maiden payloads
push decision between payloads to following dec 14th
plan being to swap between the two of them (not fly both at once)
allows us to decide which method is easier for pilots
Spacers for RPI interface board has been manufactured.
RPI has already been mounted
Monster Mount
ready but needs to be mounted
waiting for IR camera to be validated on Houston
need to test fit camera on Houston
there are three spares, filter isn’t on them yet.
We can swap for the filters later
Tracking Antenna Controller Mount
there’s a case design for it
Will test Geolocation, IR, and obstacle detection (guided mode) for Autonomy
Tracking Antenna test pushed to 2024-11-23 test
See others in Asana
Plan for rest of term is done
Directors will come up with a plan for next term shortly and discuss in next meeting
Reviewing key tasks in Asana