Child pages (Children Display) |
Systems Integration (sysint) was a subteam led by Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) for a few terms in early 2023 ish in which they had their own meetings and meeting notes, however, the subteam fizzled out and has been (in late 2023 and early 2024 at least) shifted to a directors responsibility to hold a weekly competition sync in which subteam project managers and leads provide technical commentary on their progress. This space contains meeting notes for all of these. Hopefully whatever integration looks like in the future the meeting minutes continue to be populated in this directory.
Pre-2024 Homepage
Create from Template |
spaceKey | Meetings |
templateName | 2059370673 |
title | @currentDate Meeting Notes |
templateId | 2059370673 |
createButtonLabel | Create meeting note |
buttonLabel | Create meeting note |
Incomplete tasks from meetings
Task report |
spaces | Meetings |
pageSize | 10 |
isMissingRequiredParameters | true |
labels | sysint-meeting-notes |
All meeting notes
Content Report Table |
contentBlueprintId | 244dcd47-7e9c-4fed-9e9f-892dd33d5c9b |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:meeting-notes-blueprint | contentBlueprintId | 244dcd47-7e9c-4fed-9e9f-892dd33d5c9b |
blankDescription | Plan your meetings and share notes and actions with your team. |
maxResults | 20 |
blankTitle | Meeting notes |
spaces | Meetings |
createButtonLabel | Create meeting note |
labels | sysint-meeting-notes |