Attitude Manager Anthony Luo
System Manager Hardy Yu
Telemetry Manager Yarema Dzulynsky
Larry Pan working to modify TM to have its dependent objects (like GroundStationComms & MavlinkTranslator) be created before the TelemetryManager object and injected into the constructor instead of created in the TelemetryManager constructor.
Yarema Dzulynsky Continue to plan the next tasks after the dependency injection task is complete. Note: Since the DI task will be modifying code in a lot of places, others working on TM right now would cause significant merge conflicts. Therefore, other tasks will be available when DI injection complete and merged.
Path Manager Ayoung Eun
Research is in progress Landing / Takeoff Research
Need a discussion about SF because I have some misunderstanding about it
Some question for thoughts: Does PM calculate the speed? Or does AM computes the speed
Should still PM generate waypoints for landing/takeoff? (For cruising state TM generated next waypoints)
ZP Validation Image