A collection of the stuff we do as a team. I fully expect it to evolve over time as we blow more stuff up.
Effective 5/08/2022, the first official team cheer was given:
"On 3 a 1,2,3 - pineapple" |
This occurred as a result of Sahil hating pineapples on pizza. However, when faced with the possibility the team couldn’t compete due to a paperwork screwup, he said that he would endorse pineapples on pizza if we were able to compete. Permission was granted, and Sahil endorsed it.
At the same competition, Sahil also said that he would consume a pineapple pizza if the drone did not crash at the end of the event. While the drone collided with a barrel, the drone landed in one piece and once again, the prospect of hailing the mighty pineapple is believed to have improved the team’s chances of not crashing. (There is no way we should have not crashed - Sahil)
Thus, when in doubt, simply muttering the word “pineapple” brings good luck to the aircraft.