List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19):
Talking to David update (though I don’t think anything new has come up)
Sensor interface update
Architecture update
CV update (don’t get too hyped, been disappointed )
Moving forward: How to break up the first state machine into manageable subtasks.
Assigning those subtasks, (possibly bringing in new recruits, though doesn't seem super likely)
Discussion topics
David Update
No further updates - poke him Wednesday?
Fall term - Teerstra will probs try to keep bay open
Sensor Interface Update
IMU, Airspeed and GPS interfaces are up woot!
We can start building up state machines
Architecture Update
Diagrams are now clean - thanks Anthony!!
Docs are now live - anyone can go in and edit the diagrams
CV Update
CV bois didn’t deliver :(
1 has dipped on WARG, 1 guy saying he’ll get it done by today
Leave on back burner for now till someone completes the bootcamp
Attitude Manager Task Splitting
Pour over from PICPilot as much as possible.
Get Sensor Measurements/Sensor Fusion - Lucy
i: sensor data, o: formatted results in structs/error msg
Get Sensor Measurements = Sensor.GetResult() from sensor threads
PID - Annie
Send instr to motor/control - Anthony
This section will involve mocking hardware for testing purposes
1 person assigned to each module. Talk to make sure the interfaces for each module mesh w/ each other, since these modules will be interacting w/ each other
ex: Does Sensor Fusion or PID module responsible for dealing w/ garbage data? Or Control Motor module?
Could use Errors_t struct that gets passed along each module
When defining the fn, start writing unit tests
How does your module respond to old data, new data, erroneous data, etc.?
Should the modules be classes vs a bunch of fns:
w/ classes they’ll be instantiated only once…ask Serge :)
Action items
Add action items to close the loop on open questions or discussion topics:
Attitude Manager: Complete Module Interfaces for next week
Attitude Manager: Start writing the function - does not have to be completed by next week
Ask Serge: Should the attitude manager modules be classes or a bunch of fns? Where should the battery status checks be, in the Telemetry thread?
Have long term goals set by the end of week (Have Autopilot FW ready)
Type /decision to record the decisions you make in this meeting: