New Member Onboarding

New Member Onboarding

Table of Contents


Welcome to WARG and congratulations on completing the bootcamp!

This document guides you through the onboarding process at WARG. It should take you less than 30 minutes to complete (excluding several safety courses - those may take longer)! Completing these tasks will enable you to:

  • Use equipment in the WARG bay (the physical location in which we work) while adhering to SDC safety guidelines.

  • Access the engineering student machine shop, if desired.

  • Access WARG platforms such as Github and Confluence.

  • Participate in subteam tasks and activities!

Please ensure you have completed Bootcamper Onboarding before starting on this document.

And, as always - please ping your subteam leads with any questions. We are here to help!

Scams & Security

Please be highly suspicious of random inquiries. Nobody on WARG will ever ask you for gift cards for any reason. If you are receiving suspicious messages, please ask about them in the WARG Discord server or directly message people you trust for information. Unfortunately scams attempts do happen, see inquiries such as this. While this may seem obvious, unfortunately, people have lost money to these types of scams.

Additionally, we recommend enabling two-factor authentication to an authenticator app to your personal Discord account and email accounts to reduce the chances of your accounts being compromised. If your account is hacked it’s a massive headache for everyone and once again, this does actually happen.

Onboarding Tasks

LEARN Courses

Completion of several safety courses is required to grant you access to university resources. You only need to do these courses once. Completion is tracked in our team roster to ensure we as a team are complying with University safety policies.

Required LEARN courses that you MUST COMPLETE to become a design team member (SDC rules)

  • WHMIS_2015 (30 min)

  • Worker Health Safety Awareness (10 min)

  • Student Design Centre Safety Requirements (5 min)

WARG expects you to self-enroll and complete these courses before working in the bay or filling out the Team Roster.

Optional LEARN courses include the “ESMS Safety Orientation” (Engineering Student Machine Shop). This is required for entrance to the ESMS in E5 1101. If you are a Mechanical Member, we heavily recommend completing this course. (~ 2 hours)

A note about WHMIS_2015 - If you have the Workplace Hazardous Materials milestone on your transcript, you do not need to complete this course. (It is required for 1st year labs, so you may have already done it).

Self-Enrolment Instructions

  1. Click Self-Registration at the top of the LEARN homepage.

  2. Find the course code in the table.

  3. Click on the link to the right of the course code.

  4. Enroll in the course.


These are recommended optional readings.

Highly Recommended Readings

Highly recommended readings are listed here. We’ve designed these readings to provide important information and context about the team!

  • Expectations of Members - explains what the team offers you, and what we expect from you! (1 min)

  • Bay Code - provides information about receiving access to our design team’s bay

  • Glossary - introduces some key terminology we use on the team

Recommended Readings

Provides more information about the team!

Required Administrative Tasks

Team Roster

Fill out the team roster:

You will be asked to do this at the start of every term as well to ensure our records are up to date.

Multiple submissions per term will not cause problems. This form takes <1 minute on average and we are accepting speedrun submissions.

If this form does not work let a lead know. We will fix it.

General Sites & Accounts


  1. Create an Asana account: https://app.asana.com/.

  2. We recommend registering with your university provided email.

  3. Go to your profile in the top right, click profile, and add your name.


  1. Create a Confluence account: Confluence | Your Remote-Friendly Team Workspace | Atlassian .

  2. Click Sign In at the top right of the screen, then click Sign Up. We require doing “sign in with Microsoft” to sign in with your university provided Microsoft account.

Request access to the WARG Asana and WARG Confluence in your corresponding bootcamp thread or subteam channel:

  • I would like to be added to the Asana and Confluence. Name: [name]. Email: [uwaterloo email used].

  • Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!

  • Instructions for leads to help with this can be found here: Lead Onboarding Process .

Subteam-Specific Project Accounts

  • We require the use of uwaterloo email for all platforms for new members.

  • GitHub for Autonomy, Electrical, EFS:

    • I would like to be added to the GitHub organization. My username is: [uwaterloo email used for GitHub]

    • Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!

  • Altium 365 for Electrical:

    • I would like to be added to the WARG's Altium 365. My UWaterloo email is: [uwaterloo UW email]

    • Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!

  • CAD file storage system for Mechanical:

    • I would like to be added to Solidworks PDM

    • Feel free to ping the leads of the subteam to ensure this gets completed!


  1. Add your subteam role, if you haven’t already.

  2. Ask your subteam lead to remove the New Bootcamper and <subteam> Bootcamper role after your subteam role is added and have been successfully added to all the accounts

Recommended Administrative Tasks

  • Feel free to send a message in #introductions. There's a pinned message you can follow as a template.

  • Add our WARG Google calendar for all meeting times - a link can be found in #info.

    • All WARG meetings, including subteam meetings and work sessions, will be tracked there!

    • Please note that you are welcome to join ANY meeting on the Google calendar, including leads meetings, unless otherwise stated. We may want to keep some specific conversations private (with respect to Private Communications), but the vast majority of leads topics are completely public information.

    • Any meeting you miss will have meeting minutes here on Confluence to keep you up to speed: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/QzEGA9ti .

  • Check out useful information found in #info on Discord.

  • Check out useful information in this “administration” confluence space.

    • All our team policies and guidelines are documented for all to see. It’s good to give them all a quick read!

  • Check out useful information in your subteam’s Confluence

    • At the top of Confluence, click Spaces, and then your subteam’s name.

For leads

The team roster should provide callouts for these account tasks as well, but we still state here we still want new members to manually make these requests to ensure they get access even if all automation fails. Please seeTeam Roster Information for how the automated system works.

Subteam Specific Onboarding Packages

Some subteams have more specific information regarding onboarding that is not found in this document. These can be found as subpages to this general (non-subteam specific) onboarding package.

To open a subpage, go to the navigation bar on the left, click on the > icon, and click on the subpage you wish to visit.

Alternatively, click on one of the links below:

If you’d like to do another bootcamp for a different subteam:

You are totally welcome to complete a bootcamp for any other subteam. Feel free to pickup the specific subteam bootcamper role to indicate you’re working on that subteam, but do NOT grab the New Bootcamper role again.

More information about these roles: Discord Management


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