2021-2022 Technical Report Requirements

2021-2022 Technical Report Requirements

The Phase 1 Design Paper (technical report) will consist of a written proposal submitted by each team describing the technical details of their proposed competition design. Design papers may be submitted in English or French

Feedback from last year’s report:

Scoring Criteria:

Design Paper



Design Paper



Days Late

-10% per day

Applicable after 1700 EST Jan 16, 2021


Overall Presentation

Weight: 15









follows structure of CONOPS
  • Make sure the reader is presented with a clear story of what your system will do and how it will meet the competition requirements. Organize the paper according to the evaluation criteria

Use of Figures/Charts/Tables



  • have appropriate titles and labels

  • referenced from the text so reader know’s what it’s trying to show

References Provided/Correct


includes AT LEAST 5 references other than CONOPS


Technical Description of Unmanned System

Weight: 50


Be Sure To Include:

Analysis of Alternate Solutions

  • Frame - Brielle, Cindy, Megan

  • Shrinjay

  • Power Distribution - Kevin

  • Flight Controller - Sahil, Kiran, Daniel


description of alternate solutions
decision on solution
how solution is relevant to problem space
in-depth analysis
  • other ways the problem was approached

  • why we chose this solution

  • What options exist between custom hardware and replaceable commercial products (to add, what are tradeoffs in available features and functionalities)

Features and Capabilities

  • Zeropilot - Dhruv

  • Computer Vision Architecture: Object detection - Ray

  • Computer Vision Architecture: Processing and Interfacing - Shrinjay, Ray

  • Camera Gimbal - Steven, Josh


all features addressed (try to have them addressed in sequential order with reference to a diagram)
relevance to problem space
refer to “updated feedback“ for “features and capabilities”
  • what makes this design special

Pick-Up/ Drop-Off Methodology

  • Grabber (Cindy, Kayla, Matthew)

outline how QR codes will be read
discuss grabber
does the aircraft land? does it rely on Yolov5? How does it land? or Hover?
  • what features this system has to allow for pickup and drop off of a range of design shapes

  • how this process occur gently, accurately and at a distance


Comms & Control : Aaditya, Kaveet, Anthony, Dhruv

  • Telemetry Architecture

  • Inter thread communication on Autopilot

  • Video streaming


  • Automated Takeoff and Landing

  • Autonomous Identification of humans (Ray)


should mention pilot in the case of an emergency
outline strategy SPECIFIC TO TASKS
include a diagram


  • how we meet the requirement for automated launch/flight to the intruders

Noise Signature

  • Sahil, Brielle


  • what UAV and/or navigational strategies are we using to minimize noise?


  • Sahil

  • Power Distribution - Kevin Li (Reverse polarity protection in case of reversed battery input connections) + (buck IC with thermal shutdown features in case of high temperatures)

*both technical and physics safety issues should be addressed, the above considerations are just those forgotten on last years report, not all the cases.

  • How we intend to avoid colliding with things

  • Any other safety systems implemented

System Level Testing

  • Flight tests - Sahil

  • Firmware Tests (Dhruv)

  • Electrical Tests (Kevin Li)

  • testing process implemented during development and in preparation for practice flights and scenarios

Technical Innovation and Novelty

Weight: 10


Be Sure To Include:

Novel Approach to Mission Requirements

  • CV - Shrinjay


  • How overall and individual strategy for completing tasks is novel. (NOT talking about technologies required - that’s something else)

  • detailed explanation

Novel Elements

  • CV - Shrinjay


  • Novel technology systems in the overall system. (What does our UAS have that make sit novel in the execution of the Tasks)

Safety and Risk Management


Be Sure To Include

System Level Safety Issues

*will go under ‘Safety’ later

  • What safety issues are important

  • How we are addressing them

Single Point Failure Modes

*will go under 'Safety' later

  • What failure modes we anticipate

  • How we are addressing them

Risk Management Plan

  • delegated across leads

  • What risks exist that may affect ability to successfully compete in Southport

  • How we are addressing these risks

  1. Risk categories should include technical, programmatic, budget, and/or others. Risk planning must include:

    1. Identification of the risk;

    2. Likelihood that the risk will happen;

    3. Impact on the project if the risk occurs; and

    4. Measures you will take to reduce the likelihood of the risk and to mitigate its effects if it does happen.

Project Management

Weight: 10


Be Sure To Include:

Project Management

Weight: 10


Be Sure To Include:




  • Key events in the project that signal things are progressing as planned

Schedule for Design/Construction/Testing Phases


  • Gantt chart of all significant activities in the development of the system and planning for the event




  • Cost of ‘stuff’ for the system (don’t forget to include travel and other things)

  • reasonable prices (not TOO high but also not excessively low)


NOTE: Papers are limited to 15 pages total, including appendices, title page, table of contents, list of figures, etc. Pages above the 15-page limit will be ignored in the scoring

The paper must be emailed to competition@unmannedsystems.ca in PDF format.

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