RPAS - Advanced

RPAS - Advanced


@Anthony Luo @Megan Spee to add information regarding this Transport Canada License.


Random Questions Dump

"atc has asked you to cross runway 25. Which best describes the runway"?

  • ne sw

  • nw se

  • 25 degrees magnetic

  • along a road

"what causes co poisoning"

  • 10k ft

  • anemia

  • ??

  • ??

"what is VCSH mean on METAR"

"what does METAR provide"

"who do you contact from this screenshot of a CFS"

"distance between two airports on VNC"

"hexagon symbol on a map. what is it?"

  • radio smth point

  • call point?

  • ??

  • ??

"when do we give way to manned aircraft"

"how to enter class C airspace"

"restrictiosn on entering controlled airspace" (may be flipped C controlled w/above)

"when do you need SFOC?"

  • bvlos

  • explosives

"how to transport batteries"

  • under some direction w/someone

  • only by land

  • in a lead box

"definition of best rate of climb"

  • dist vs time

  • alt vs dist

  • best rate of climb in humid or smth

  • ??

"When operating in urban areas, a small RPA operator must ensure that they . . . . ."

"max rpa height"

"what info does ATIS provide"

"read the windspeed / direction from METAR"

"read the cloud height from METAR"

"min dist. from heliport"

  • 1

  • 3

  • 9

  • 5

"emergency procedures needed"

"what is NOT included in pre-flight"

"what happens when there's a prop failure on a quad"

"how to deal with chronic fatigue"


Question dump pt 2



IRL flight review recap via megan:
supposed to do test one at a time, reviewer let us do it at the same time.

Questions included:

  1. what did you do to prepare this morning before coming out to fly

    1. charged batteries, made sure IMU, compass, gimbal all calibrated, connection link could still be established, no pending firmware updates

  2. documents you brought (5)

    1. government-issued ID

    2. drone registration

    3. advanced licence exam pass certificate

    4. drone insurance

    5. drone user manual

  3. What equipment did you bring

    1. compass, (fire extinguisher, the examiner had it), phone, landing pad

  4. Site survey

    1. obstacles on the field, including power lines, people, trees, buildings

    2. controlled airspace around the field: airports like ottawa international, rockcliffe flight club, gatineau airport. numbers to call if a flyaway occurs towards those directions

    3. note detention centres and prisons in the area. do not fly over those

  5. preflight checklists

    1. better to be short than absurdly long

During flight

  1. takeoff procedure

    1. take off 2 ish meters and test all the controls before proceeding

  2. fly around goalposts, at the height of the goalposts

  3. fly to measure the height of the power lines

    1. if the landing pad is at a higher altitude, make sure you add the extra meters to the height of the tower

  4. estimate how long the drone can fly for if it takes off in a direction, given the remaining battery life, and which authority to call depending on the direction it goes in

  5. landing

https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/vkB4U912 - docu for checklists, procedures, controlled airspace info

https://www.m3aerial.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Flight-Review-Guide.pdf - referenced this while studying





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